News from Northend Village Hall

Turville Northend Village Hall – Save the dates

Tuesday 5th October 7pm – Village Hall AGM in the hall. The Village Hall Committee would like to invite you to the hall AGM, we are particularly keen to involve more of the community in the running of the hall, and are in need of some additional volunteer help in the form of a Treasurer, updating the website, general hall maintenance and additional Trustees.  If you are able to help or are interested in finding out more about the hall please do come along, all are welcome.

Friday 12th November – Northend Lights 

Pip is organising another Northend Lights event – drinks, nibbles and chat.

Sunday 12th December 12-2pm  – Christmas Party

This is our traditional parish gathering for the usual Christmas drinks.

Workshops  – Dates TBC

We are organising a few workshops in the hall, to include a half day Christmas Wreath workshop (early December), and potentially a furniture upcycling workshop or decoupage.  More details on these will be sent out once dates and costs are ready, but if you are interested in these please do send Clare and email here and register your interest. We anticipate these getting booked fairly quickly.

We look forward to the rounders on the 3rd October and are looking forward to seeing you at some of the other hall events in the near future.


The village hall exists for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of Turville parish and the surrounding area and is a registered charity. It is used for village events, family events (for example, birthdays and weddings),  exercise classes, table tennis, charity events and meetings. It has sometimes used as a film location and annually by Turville nursery school.

The hall is managed by a small number of volunteers some of whom act as charity trustees (elected at the AGM or nominated from across the parish) and others who deal with bookings, events, marketing, maintenance, administration etc. Most matters relating to the hall are dealt with on a day-to-day basis by the relevant trustees/volunteers. The management committee usually meets for only about an hour twice a year.

There are currently vacancies for trustees and other volunteers, in particular for:

  • a treasurer/trustee to manage receipts and payments (about 100 transactions a year), bank accounts and contracts and prepare and submit accounts to the trustees and Charity Commission (to replace Jenny Neagle who has moved away);
  • a “facilities manager” to supervise the internal and external maintenance of the hall, any improvements to the hall, and arrange for the maintenance or improvements to be carried out by volunteers or paid contractors;
  • trustees from, in particular, Turville village and Southend (to ensure full coverage of the parish);
  • volunteers to assist with the maintenance of the hall and garden; and
  • volunteer(s) to run or assist with the website.

If you are able to help, please contact either David Cairns (638296 or 07747 771003) or David Faragher (638960 or 07563 902678) or speak to one of the other current trustees/volunteers (see below)

Trustees and other volunteers (as 19 September 2021)

Trustees elected by AGM

David Cairns (chair)

David Faragher (secretary/bookings)

Sarah Evans

Rob Oldershaw (moving away 2021)

Susie Phillips

Trustee nominated by Parish Council

Gina Wessels

Other volunteers

Clare Barrows (marketing)

Susan Faragher (bookings)

Jenny Neagle (treasurer) (moved away)

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