Filming in Turville village

Residents should have had a letter delivered from the production company about the plans for filming 05/07 – 17/07/23. The contents are below in case it has been missed. Should you need telephone numbers, please contact the Clerk.   The Assistant Location Manager will be in the Bull and Butcher on Tuesday 27th June from 7.30pm to address any concerns you may have.

To Residents of Turville

This letter is to share information with you about upcoming filming we are planning to do in and around Holloway Lane, Turville, mostly between St. Mary’s Church and The Bull and Butcher for the latest series of Midsomer Murders S24 by Bentley Productions.

At the moment, we plan to be here for 9 working days from the 5th July 2023 to the 17th July 2023 inclusive. We do not film at night, and we do not work weekends.

Provisional Schedule

Wednesday 5th July 2023:

Exterior village/Bottom of hillside road/Alleyway leading to school/Rose Cottage & Furfelde

Thursday 6th July 2023


Friday 7th July 2023

Hillside adjacent to Oxford Road/pathway leading to hillside from Holloway Lane/camera position at The Bull & Butcher at end of day.

Monday 10th July to Thursday 13th July 2023

Interiors and exteriors at The Bull & Butcher Pub

Friday 14th July


Monday 17th July

Turville Studios/ Rose Cottage & Furfelde


On the 5 days when there is action in the Churchyard or around the Green, or the path leading up to the windmill (5th July, 10th to 12th July & 17th July) we will apply to Buckinghamshire Council via their Film Office, for permission to hold traffic for up to 3 minutes at a time, using STOP/GO BOARDS or TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNALS which will be managed by a certified traffic management company. Access for emergency vehicles, as well as pedestrians will be maintained throughout, and we will ensure that equipment is sited in such a way to avoid causing obstruction.

We would appreciate the cooperation of residents situated around and near to the Green and Churchyard in keeping these areas clear of vehicles for our filming days. There will be alternative parking for residents at Turville Stud Farm, with security on hand to help orchestrate this.

A television drama of this nature would not be possible without the helpful cooperation of people allowing us access to their businesses, streets and homes to enable us to create real-life situations. We always try to treat our locations with the respect they deserve. From past experience of 24 years filming Midsomer Murders on location in Buckinghamshire, successful filming cannot take place without the ongoing support of the residents and local businesses, and for this, we are extremely grateful. We appreciate that our presence will have an impact on the community, but we are working hard to make as little disruption as possible to your daily routine and keep any disruption to an absolute minimum.

We are working closely with Garrick and Danny of Turville Village Association and will be liaising closely with the Buckinghamshire Film Office, who are aware and happy with our plans, and on the provision that we notify residents and businesses, have no reason to object to our proposal. They will be supporting us in ensuring that any residential requirements are met.

I and the Assistant Location Manager, James Doyle, will be available at your convenience to speak to you and other impacted residents and businesses in the area about our intentions and to give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have at a meeting being held at the Bull and Butcher at 1930 on Tuesday 27th June. It will be nice to have a chat before the filming commences.

In the meantime, should you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on (redacted), or email me, or phone James on (redacted). Alternatively, and if you prefer, please contact the Buckinghamshire Film Office on 01296 585363 or email

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Ken Hawkins

Location Manager

Midsomer Murders S24 Ltd

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