
The Parish Council meets at least six times a year, holding alternate meetings in the Parish Village Hall at Northend or at the Conference room at the Bull and Butcher pub in Turville.

The Annual Parish Meeting is held in May. All Parish Council meetings are open to the public with a Question and Answer session prior to matters on the Agenda. Minutes of meetings and agendas are published on the website and placed on the five notice-boards within the Parish.


NamePositionPhone NumberDeclarations of Personal Interest
Alice NuttgensChair01491 638700Declaration of Personal Interests (PDF)
Nick Kertesz07471 156 306N Kertesz Register of Interests Nov 23 TPC
Hector SantsVice-chair01491 638994H Sants Register of Interests May 24 TPC i
Deborah Abbott01491 639558Declaration of Personal Interests (PDF)
Alice Bragg01491 638932A Bragg Register of Interests Feb 24 TPC


Lorna Coldwell07471 156 306